Import a Spreadsheet using Dreamweaver
To import a spreadsheet:
- Open your spreadsheet up in its own application.
From the File menu, choose Save As.
In the Save as dialog box, find the Save as Type: field
From the list of file types, select Text (Tab Delimited)
The file name should end in .txt (example: spreadsheetfile.txt)
Save the file to the same folder as your Dreamweaver document. (In Excel, you
may get a message warning you that you will only be able to save the current
sheet. That is OK)
- Close your spreadsheet application. (In Excel, you may get an error saying
that the file is not in MS format. This is OK)
- In your Dreamweaver document, click in the space where you want to insert
the spreadsheet.
From the Insert menu, choose Tabular Data (or click on the FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Insert
Tabular Data Button" <<...OLE_Obj...>> button in your Insert
- Click on the Browse button and navigate to the spreadsheet file that you just
saved (the .txt file)
Highlight the file and click Done (or Open).
In the dialog box, from the Delimiter pull-down menu, select Tab.
You can change the table formatting now in the dialog box, or later in the Properties
Click OK when you are finished.
The new table will now appear in your document.
- You can format the table data, and sort and format the table like any other
table in Dreamweaver. (See Editing a table for more help.)